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Asus - Información



Model Name: ASUS ZenFone A400CG

IMEI: 355235065525xxx

SN: EAAZB708Vxxx

CSID: 90000000360003xxx

Series: ZenFone

Part No: 90AZ00I2-M02260

Part Spec: EU/S1/4/5M/EU/NE/6W

Part Desc: AS A400CG 1B/Z2520/8G/H3G

Warranty Territory: Region (Europe w/o CIS)

Warranty Period: 24 months

Warranty End: 2017/02/22 (ATD)

Activation Status: Yes

First Activation Date: 2015/02/23

Stolen Status: False

Ship To Company: ASGL

Ship To Customer: HI3G ACCESS AB

Ship To Country: SE (1st S/O)

Ship To Zone: EUROPE

Ship No: 2005266

Ship SONo: 51114091012258

Sold Type: Standard-511


Tiempo: Inmediato

Órdenes en Grupo Permitidas: No

Tipo de Orden: IMEI

Tipo de Servicio: Servidor

Enviar para Verificar Permitido: No

Cancelación Permitida: No

Procesamiento de Orden: API